Start time: 7:30 am
Date: 10-10-10 (Schuyler's birthday!)
Location: Grant Park, Chicago IL
What?: 26.2 miles - a marathon - my 27th marathon
Why: Because I can! It hasn't been easy training or actually sticking to this goal after being diagnosed in July, with some doubters out there, people thinking I am pretty crazy (which I may be!) and just the struggles with having chemo all summer long and dealing with how to actually TRAIN for this marathon. I signed up, was diagnosed with cancer, started treatment, figured out that I could still run and train long miles (although - believe me NOT easy miles...) and now the day has come! The marathon will be the ultimate test of my will, my body and my DETERMINATION to live, to run and to complete this distance! Yay!

You have read about the Dream Team in an earlier post --- well we are getting together on Saturday - which may be the only time I see Charlie because he is SO fast! :) David is bringing cake and Cara and I are going to be partners through this thing..... BatGirl and Wonder Woman! Yes - my sister made the costumes and they are awesome. All lycra, short skirts and insignia and the capes to match. Can't wait to share photos with you all! We are going to get the crowd's attention and are actually planning on bringing a camera for scenic shots!
Although a personal note - I am sharing Cara's response to me trying to get her off the hook from running with me the whole marathon (I really don't want to hold her back because she is SO fast and I will drag her down ....)
Wow - that totally had me in tears when I read that note. She is such an amazing person and has sent me cards EVERY week. I feel like we have been friends forever and I really only have spent time with her that one experience at the Boston marathon. Yes - I do NOT have to have the Methatrexate treatment anymore, it was determined that there is not benefit from continuing that after meeting with the medical director at Baystate. A HUGE RELIEF for me in readying myself for this marathon. I feel so much better this week and the taper has been good for me to refuel and regenerate so I am in top/peak condition for a chemo ridden patient running a marathon. :)
Whoo Hoo!
The Schedule:
Friday: 5 PM direct flight to Chicago - staying at the Hilton Airport Hotel
Missing the ACS DetermiNation dinner
Saturday - ACS DetermiNation warm up run is at 6 am which is too early for us to get into town so I am missing that too. I was bummed to get the schedule and see that all the events just didn't fit.
Expo - morning
Meet the Dream Team at the ACS DetermiNation booth at the Expo
LUNCH with the Dream Team!
Staying at the Palmer House on Saturday and Sunday so we will check in after lunch
Lay out clothes and get prepared for the marathon
Rest & relax
Dinner with my sweetie

Early wake up - call Schuyler because it is his birthday! He turns 9!
Meet Cara dressed in Wonder Woman costume.
Check clothing bag with bus
Find Elite B coral
Stretch and ready
7:30 am start - on your mark! get set! GO!

Steve will be on the course taking photos and meeting us at spots along the course. We were here in 2007 and he was so wonderful to be there encouraging me, he knows the course and is ready! :)
Find Steve at the finish - go to the ACS DetermiNation tent - CELEBRATE!
Pizza Party for ACS DetermiNation - hope to be there after relaxation at the hotel.
Photos are from 2007 - last time I ran Chicago with a tiger tail and tiger ears in the "heat wave" when they "cancelled" the marathon. 2007 results: Chicago Marathon (3:26:13)- 896 overall - 128 female - 15th in age group
Monday - Recovery day - 10 am flight home! :)
Tuesday - Blood tests and see Doc Mullally
Wednesday - Treatment
Thursday - Treatment
Friday - Recovery day!
Thanks for stopping by -- stay tuned for more updates and photos from after the marathon. IF you wish to track me here is a link and my race number is 4399. Think of me, send me strength and power thoughts! Please leave a comment if you stop by! I read ALL comments and am thankful to all of you for your prayers, concern and love.
Looks like a fully weekend of fun! I'm in corral B too, so we'll enjoy some quality time on the "walk out" from the DetermiNation tent to the corral ... then standing around wondering if we have time for one more pee before the gun goes off!
So looking forward to the Dream Team reunion!
I'm going to be thinking about you this weekend. Best of luck to you!
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